All posts by Guy Nolch

Your magazine matters

A magazine is an important engagement tool for an organisation. It defines who you are and provides a clear channel of communication with your members and stakeholders, giving them a tangible benefit of membership and a sense of involvement with you.

Your magazine also raises awareness of your objectives and activities, reinforcing readers’ perceptions of an active and relevant organisation that is worth their attention and time.

Control Publishing’s expertise over 30 years can help you to produce a print and online presence that captures the interest of both new and existing readers.

Control been publishing magazines, journals and books since 1992. We can deliver accurate and engaging print and digital publications to your organisation and its audience.

From vibrant magazines for professional organisations to books and trade journals, and from online portals with e-commerce capabilities to an e-book or a simple WordPress site like this one, Control can meet your needs and budgets.

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